Strength in a time of weakness (Tarot reading)


What do we need to do now in this time of universal weakness ?

Self Love-Return to Optimism-Self Rule

Much of humanity revels in pain and fear and consequently most have lost the power to love self and others. For the most part this represents the majority of thinking projected by our species at this time. We have lost hope and focus and subsequently the ability to rule fairly over ourselves and others. The fear of death spins the wheel of fortune and until this primal fear is mastered things will not change for the better. The current fears being induced and relentlessly stoked will be our undoing if we continue on our current path of weak-willed acquiescence. Those of us that see what is happening must be the “keepers of the kingdom” until more of Humanity awakens and the tide turns from fear to love.

Fear of Death – Changing Fortunes- Psychic Balance

Believe in the power of positive thought and hold fast to your own towrope, do not let the winds of circumstance knock you off course…Be strong in a time of weakness. Our minds are powerful, much more than we have been lead to believe. Hold tight to love and the vision of the kind of world you wish to live in. Coherent focus unleashes the power of manifestation and change ensues.

© Tarot János

The role of the Ego (Tarot reading)


Could you define the role of the Ego in the Human psyche and its role in Spiritual development (if it has one) ?

The Ego cannot be defined in terms of a separate consciousness per se. The Ego is a sub division of the conscious mind that operates in conjunction with the shadow self and other elements that the conscious mind uses to navigate the material world. The Ego is the sorter, sifter and implementer and operates in tandem with the shadow self (that part of you that is the primal or “animal self”).

Keywords: Direction-Mastership-Duality

The Ego is necessary in order for consciousness to operate in the material world. It is a necessary element in the mechanisms self preservation and survival. The Ego can be a faithful servant and watchdog but it can also act like a wilful, petulant child. The Ego self counterbalances the Intuitive Self which operates from within the hidden world of the sub conscious mind. The sub conscious is the part of your consciousness that operates under the awareness threshold of the waking self.

Without an Ego you would not be able to discern or prioritise events and actions. It is a motivator, mover and shaker. Out the control the Ego is a tyrant, for unless it is reigned in it can dominate your everyday consciousness using fear and the survival mechanisms of the shadow self. It can (if not controlled) develop an autonomy of will and purpose that can inflate its role and it will try to dominate the processes of the mind for its own selfish ends. It must be incorporated in a balanced way thus keeping it in its proper role.

The Ego’s role in Spirituality is nil, rather, it must be moved aside so that the insights and tendencies of the Higher Self can come to the fore. The Ego itself does not survive physical death but dissipates along with the body that contained it.

© János Néder 2021

Divisions of “Self” (reading)


Please explain the exact differences between the conscious mind, the sub conscious mind and the Higher Self?

Consciousness is multifold. It is a multiple hologram that wraps and surrounds itself on multiple levels vibrationally like layers of an onion each layer has its own fields of information. All layers intersect and inform one another to varying degrees.
What you call the conscious mind operates inside the layers of tissue and fluid of the organic brain. Interwoven with this is the repository you know as the Subconscious Mind. This is partially interwoven with the Conscious Mind in its organic container the brain and partially outside of it energetically interwoven with the larger expression of itself called the Higher Self.

The Conscious Mind contains your personality self and all its various guises such as the ego, the shadow and the various holographic subsets that it employs to express itself. Some of these are over written or even created by beliefs and experiences. These belief subsets can be used to manipulate and dominate the personality self.

The Subconscious is interwoven with the organic brain through various structures and their functions. These operate mostly under your awareness and functional capability to access it. What differentiates the Conscious from the Sub Conscious is brainwave speed and holographic density. The Subconscious is a larger more encompassing hologram. It contains the sense memory of everything that has happened to the body that contains it.
At physical death the Subconscious hologram is what leaves the body as the body hologram (the physical Self) dies and dissolutes. All memory sensual or otherwise is then re integrated with the larger hologram of the Higher Self.

The personality self along with the various subsets that were incorporated with it dissolutes at physical death. The personality self used by a body during each lifetime still exists in a way but only as a sense memory pattern in the hologram of the higher self.

The Higher Self has no “self” or personality to speak of as it is a non specific reflection of your total awareness as a conscious entity. I hope this is clear enough.

©Janos Neder 2021

Guidance: Spiritual and Otherwise (reading)

Question: Are we being “guided” currently (either personally or globally) ? If yes, then by whom and to what end?

Those that are being guided know it at some level of their being. Intuitive insights, dreams and a gradual awakening to the broader spectrum of being-ness are the clues to your guidance.
The guidance comes from two sources , one is from the level of your being-ness you call the “Higher Self”. The other source comes from beings/entities that are currently beyond your spectrum of understanding and perception.

This is important! Guard yourself before you open to any invitation to download information into your psyche from ANY source. There are energies and beings that are beyond your level of perception and understanding trying to infiltrate themselves into every aspect of human behaviour. Some of these methods are from within your own realm driven by your fellow Humans..


Question:  Do “Spirit Guides” exist and if so what are they and what is their function?

Spirit Guides exist, but not in the way you think. All consciousness ultimately stems from the same source, but part of free will and creativity is an allowing of differentiated bits of this source consciousness to develop their own identity, autonomy and freedom to develop in ways apart from the creative orb of the one true source of all creation.

Spirit guides in truth are aspects of your total self. This is “Spiritual Guidance” in its highest form .


-There are other entities from within and without yourself that have their own resonance and agenda and life force apart from yours. These can be projections from other life forms or entities that seek to possess the envelope of your consciousness for their own sustenance or purpose.

-There are those forces that seek to ether enhance or control your creativity and life essence.

-There are projections from within your own psyche that seek to gain a greater dominance of your freewill…

As has been stated before to you, the truth has a certain tone and feeling that cannot be faked and so it is with love.

Before you allow energies or entities to guide you check out the energy envelope around them to see if it rings true and is for your highest good…BE DISCERNING: Energetic predators are masters of disguise. This cannot be overstated.

©Janos Neder 2021

The future of Humanity (reading)

Photo by James Wheeler on

Question: As it stands now what is the future of Humanity in this particular reality stream?


You are currently living out the probability stream you are embedded in. The “future” is open ended, the choices made in each present moment determine the stream taken or the thread selected from a field of infinite choices. All time exists at once, it is only a trick of your three dimensional self that makes the past,present and future reality streams seem separate to you.

This is so because you cannot fully experience all time at once as a fourth dimensional continuum while still in a three dimensional body. Even if you are able “see the future” you are only tuning into one probable outcome based on the current choices being made in that event stream.
These outcomes can be, and are, modified, by initiating various choice points. As you do this, you narrow the probability streams until only one outcome is going to happen within the scope of your reality. This is why when you ask me about future events the answers are sometimes vague. From my vantage point many outcomes are possible or even probable.

There are many forks in the road that can be taken, each resulting in a different trajectory.The choice of probable outcomes that humanity must currently navigate are fewer in number because of the speed of the forward trajectory humanity has chosen for itself. Much of humanity revels in pain and fear, for the most part this represents the majority of thinking of your species at this time.

To evolve from the current swirl into chaos and the global control state that must follow it, you and those like you must hold a tight field of focus for the peaceful future you want to see. The current fear factor being induced in humanity is the undoing of the future you wish to see and experience.

Your mind is powerful, more so than you believe. Hold tight to love and the vision of a solid positive future and let those who revel in chaos pass you by. The more you try to change this fear oriented way of thinking in others the more you bleed away your own inner resources and insure that you will land in the in future scenario you wish to escape.

Believe in the power of positive thought and hold fast to your own towrope, do not let the winds of circumstance knock you off course…Be well.

©Janos Neder 2021

Message for Humanity 2 (reading)

Development of the Human Spirit is paramount now, more than at any other time in your recorded and known history. Humanity has been at the brink before and it is so again. The stories of Atlantis is the record of the destruction of a great race by its own hand. This may happen again, soon, for wisdom does not go hand in hand with the development of technological insights or what you call ‘civilization’.

Civilization and religion (as humans have developed it), is at its heart a dis-connection from nature and the wisdom of the spirit world. Wisdom must be sought and heeded, it is a skill to be learned and an ability to be nurtured.How much barbarism and lack of wisdom is evident in your ‘civilized’ world, how much of human misery is rooted in a disconnection from the natural world?  This is not the way of wisdom and compassion….This is not the way of intelligence in its truest sense.

Intelligence and wisdom are as one. At present, the Earth would not qualify as a home to a truly intelligent species other than the dolphins and whales. These creatures possess a wisdom and intelligence of a far greater order and complexity than the human race does at present. Much could be learned from them.
The original foundation of your human species was to create and play. Dolphins do this naturally it is how they adhere to their original intent and species code. Humanity has lost the keys to its own inner kingdom, and in turn has created a world built on domination, subterfuge, fear and lack. You cannot dominate your mother, (Earth) or undo the will of Universal Law.

The gifts of nature and the resources of your planet are not yours to take, they are yours to receive, if done so with grace and gratitude…The Earth is a living organism and she will not let you abuse her for much longer. She is forgiving and patient, but also can be wrathful to those that would destroy her gifts and take her bounty without thanks or a supplication to the great forces of nature and life.
Humanity must change or perish in the main; for those who seek to kill others, will risk being killed in turn, as the forces they unleash turn upon them..

There are Great Beings, both terrestrial and not, that watch over humanity to see how you will unfold over the next while. Help will be offered to those that have helped themselves by understanding how to live in a state of balance and gratitude. The Beings who watch over you will not let the whole harvest of humanity be lost for they are your original parents, as well as your mentors ….if you wish them to be so. Those of you that have done the work and seek the truth will be gifted the insight, when the time comes, of how to unfold your true purpose and direction.

There are two arcs unfolding for the Human stream as it stands now. One stream will follow the way of self knowledge and love, and the other stream will surrender to the dark forces of fear and lose themselves.
Be well, be fearless and live in gratitude, always.

©Janos Neder 2021

Message for Humanity 1 (reading)

A Message For Humanity.

Take heed…. your time is here, now. The string can be pulled no further on your behalf. As a collective, as a species, you must choose now and choose wisely. All is in jeopardy, all is in haste, all is in flux. The mad rulers of your planet are not going to fix things; each of you must fix things or be prepared to face the reality of what is coming….. chaos.

There have been in the past, and there are here now, beings to help you, but you must first act decisively on your own behalf to repair and renew yourselves and your Planet. You have been given the tools to do so; a heightened awareness. It is awake in some, but many are still asleep…even those who believe themselves to be fully awake are still dreaming. Wake up!
The cure to your malaise is action, enlightened action. Nothing will change until you each act now to change yourselves first. Do this by re-sparking your imagination and the original intent for which your species was created; love.

All love has to spring from self love. To love yourself, is to see the divinity within you ,and by extension the divinity in all other humans and the world around you. For when you truly understand the magnificence of your gifts as humans, as co-creators of all you see, hear, and feel around you, you will understand the need to act, to reverse what is being done to kill this planet.

Look inside yourselves and find the wellspring of your source code; the code of universal love embedded in each one of you. Be your own saviours first, for there is none other coming to save you but you. The guiding hand you seek is your own, for it is only by changing yourself first will the shift you seek start. It starts within each one of you first, and then as the one becomes the many and the many become the majority, only then will the situation you have brought upon yourselves change.

The time is here to decide your path, decide wisely.

© Janos Neder 2021

Yin Concentration

 According to Taoist principles there are two kinds of concentration:

1) Yang-Concentration (by willpower)

2) Yin -Concentration (by absorption)

Yin-Concentration by absorption: (aka ” Merge Consciousness”). When we practice this type of concentration we lose our “sense of self”, that is; the sense that we are separate from what we are observing or experiencing. In Yin concentration the experience of “Self” expands to encompass more than just our interior awareness. You become one undivided field of being with whatever you are doing or observing.

In Martial arts using this type of concentration means practicing a movement or technique until we are at the point of effortlessness or empty mind in its execution. Practice and being are now melded into one experience . You are what you do and you do what you are.

For Example:  Have I drawn the sword or has the sword some how drawn itself and appeared in my hand? When you cannot tell for sure on a conscious level and it just ‘happens’ you are in that zone.

In everyday life becoming an adept in Yin concentration allows your awareness to penetrate through the various illusions of form, shape and apparent solidity of everyday reality into the core essence of a thing, living being, or experience……The projection and absorption of conscious awareness is an inherent Human ability that we all possess. You are capable of far more than you have been lead to lead to believe. Realisation that it exists and then mindful practice are the keys to developing this ability.

©Janos Neder 2018

Proximity Sense Exercise

This skillset is a novel way of finding someone that is out of your visual contact but still within an area 30 meters or so from you. It is accomplished by reading the ‘bounce back signal’ of a person’s unique Etheric energy signature. This is a very subtle exercise and takes a lot of practice to get it right.

 How it works:

Success in this exercise relies on a precision of sensory imagery and the ability to hold a narrow band of focus. You have to be able to conjure an accurate mental imprint of what the Etheric energy of the person you are looking for feels like. The Etheric Field is like a fingerprint and is unique to each person. Your ability to hold a clear imprint of the target person’s “Etheric energy signature” makes or breaks this technique.   

How to:

Clear your mind. Conjure up an image of the person you wish to find. Let it fade, leaving behind the impression of what their energy feels like. This is their ‘energy signature’. Hold onto this feeling, as you do a slow sweep of the area with your *3rd eye awareness, like a radar beacon searching for an object. 

Pay attention: When you get a ‘bounce back’ signal that feels identical to the energy signature you have in your mind, start walking in the general direction of the bounce back and see if the signal gets stronger or weaker. If unsure, clear your mind and reset the original energy impression in your mind and try again. The more crowded the area and the more chaotic the energy around you the more difficult it will be to home in on an accurate signal of the person you wish to perceive. Clarity and consolidation of focus is the key here.

Tip: Practice with a partner. Have them go about twenty feet from you while you close your eyes. Do the internal protocol as in the above description. Sweep the area with your eyes closed until you get a consistent ‘hit’. Open your eyes and see if you had located them. Try practicing this exercise at increasing distances.

 Don’t doubt yourself even if you have difficulty at first….Keep practicing. Reading energy is just like exercising a muscle it gets stronger the more you practice . 

3rd eye awareness:

A term I use to denote a deep perception of the Etheric Field emissions emitted by a living organism.  

©Janos Neder 2018 

The Etheric Field

The Etheric Field 

The etheric field is a localised information field of dense bio-energy that surrounds the body. For the most part it lies outside of the everyday awareness of most people. We access the etheric field in dreams, meditation, Shamanic work and various other methods of healing and altered consciousness. The Etheric also contains the ‘aura” which is a field of bio-luminescence comprised bio-photons (biologically created light) that is produced by the chakras, cellular activity and the electrical activity of the nervous system. 

The etheric field is without a masking mechanism and contains the true essence of who we are emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. It is what people and animals pick up on subliminally.

Many types of dysfunctions are perceptible in the Etheric Field before they manifest in the denser energies of the physical body. Distortions in the Etheric field end up as distortions in the physical body. 

The overall nature of our Etheric field is determined by several factors:

* The speed at which it oscillates

*The intensity of the energy

*The consolidated (coherent) nature of the field.

The Etheric Field is an Energy Signature similar to a fingerprint in that each is unique to the person that emits it. Being able to perceive and work with the Etheric is a skill that is very handy to have  and is used in such modalities as Therapeutic Touch and Qigong for a healing affect. It is a skill that must be treated with both caution and respect for the manipulation of a person’s Etheric Field can be done for both positive and negative effect. 

One way bad intentions and other nasty attachments can find their way into the body is through rips or energy portals in the Etheric Field especially in through the back where the density of the Etheric Field is thinner.

Some examples of energy portals open to invasion are:

The heart and solar plexus chakras in face to face situations. 

The inner ear in auditory situations. 

The base of the skull.

The mid back at the heart chakra level. 

The opening (Sacral Hiatus) located at the lower end of the sacrum

Therefore: Learning the skills of protection and deflection go hand in hand with learning the skills of subtle perception.  

© Janos Neder 2018

Finding the Secret to Life

Finding the Secret to Life.

The Laughing Buddha, also known as Buddha of Happiness or Matreiya in Buddhism. This jolly deity is the supreme symbol of joy, well-being, and happiness.

( In my view) There is no ‘secret’  to life per se, as ultimately “life” is what we choose to make of it.

All of us that come into the world to experience living in this dimension eventually have to pass from it as well. Death is the inevitable conclusion to our life’s journey so why bother? Well, I believe our concept of death is wrong. To die in the real sense of the word is to choose restriction and to never allow yourself to fully experience the miracle of being alive in a body.

Death is not the end of life, but only the end of the physical experience of existing in a physical container. Consciousness is not extinguished by act of physical death it only changes form and focus. I believe the deepest human fear is the fear of death and this primal fear is the root of all other fears. This root fear is what lurks in the dark corners of our collective psyche and it is what prevents us from rising to our true potentials in life….

The World as it is now, is an increasingly chaotic, confused, and unhappy place. It is under the grip of a materialist, collective mindset that holds up rampant consumerism as the new holy grail and key to happiness when in reality all it does is temporarily mollify our fear of death. This materialist path is a dead-end. It will deliver no lasting inner peace and no future that will be worth living in the Human sense of the term. This sterile version of life will be empty, fruitless, and joyless. That is it’s promise, for the price of living in such a materialist society will be your sovereignty, imagination, and your birthright to be a free thinking independent entity.

To avoid this future scenario we must remember that as Humans we are inherently gifted with free will, imagination, and creativity. This is why it is paramount that we wake up and reclaim our birthright as fluid beings and our destiny as a species. If there is any ‘secret’ to life it is this; we have the power to change the future by changing the present. The point of power is now. Therefore every present moment is a fresh opportunity to start again.

Wake up to the magnificence of yourself by developing your imagination and creativity in whatever way moves you. Unplug from the manufactured reality being foisted upon you and turn inward to the reality of your eternal consciousness. You are both the jailer and the prisoner of your fears and as such hold the keys to your own liberation and happiness.

There are many ways to increase your ability to be a master of your own inner self. Find self empowerment methods that work for you and then take the time and make the effort to get really good at it. This will give you the tools to face your shadow self and unearth old programs running in your subconscious that inhibit and confound your efforts. Work your way through the labyrinth of your fears and uncertainties. Self determination  allows you the opportunity to clean out your inner cupboard and free yourself from all that does not serve you. Finding the joy in just being on the path of inner discovery and creativity is an end in itself. Enjoy the ride.

© Janos Neder 2018

Personal Empowerment

What is Personal Empowerment about?



It is about waking up and unplugging yourself from the ” concensus reality ” of the mainstream world. This in turn opens the door to a return to individuality, imagination, and self determination. Personal Empowerment is not about self involvement and abdication of responsibility and accountability.  Rather; it means accepting responsibility  and the consequences of your deeds, words, and actions.

Empowerment: is a self directed process that starts from within. It starts when you act on the need to move beyond your assumed limitations and restrictions and return to what you were always intended to be: A fluid, unbound, and individualized expression of the divine, creative energy of a living Universe.

Personal: Because each of us is unique; in how we operate, in how we experience ourselves, and in how we see the world at large. Following this premise, it follows that we should be the sole arbiter of our life experience and sole keeper of our inner kingdom.



© Janos Neder 2018

Meditations on Happiness.


You were not born to be sad or miserable, let no one convince you otherwise.
You are unique. You are the best version of you there is; nobody else can be you but you, so be yourself, and see yourself as you wish others to see you.
Be happy, it is not that hard to do once you begin to love yourself.
Happiness is a habit that starts with one small act, with practice grows into a habit that you can inhabit every day.
Your sun shines from within, once the clouds of doubt, boredom, and the need to rain on yourself resolve and move aside.
Happiness is a choice, a gift we grant ourselves and our natural state of being if we want it to be. It all starts with self love.

© Janos Neder 2017

Some personal reflections.

photo 4

We go through many transits in our journey between birth and death. Our experiences and reactions to these experiences are different at each age of our journey. When I was in the transit of middle age, I was discontented with myself and the world much of the time.   In the two decades I traversed between the ages from forty to sixty I experienced some very difficult lessons that changed me on every level. I am currently in my mid sixties and I am no longer discontented, nor unhappy. Quite the opposite in fact. So what happened? Well, I realised that attitude makes all the difference, we get to choose how we react to what life throws at us.

For your consideration, here are some insights that I picked up along the way:

~Life is a gift, not a given.

~Life is fragile. We all dangle by a slender thread over the void of eternity. This thread can snap at any moment then you or someone close to you will disappear from this dimension. The lesson; live every day as if it’s the last.

~Be grateful for every day that you have the gift of health, mobility, and all your marbles still intact .

~ Give love freely with no expectation that it will be returned. The same goes with appreciation. Just do it because it feels right to do so.

~Bad stuff happens and bad people exist. It is smart to be aware of the darkness and how to protect yourself.

~Know that good exists in all quarters as well as evil. So cultivate a balanced, realistic view of both the light and dark sides of humanity.

~The act of living in the world eventually either makes you more brittle or more supple over time. You get to choose which by your attitude and actions.

~Happiness is a choice you make each day. Happiness makes life for both you and those around you much more enjoyable.

~The greatest gift you can give yourself is self love as this leads to a peace of mind and spirit.

~ Worry solves nothing: The world was here before you arrived and will continue long after you are gone so why waste time worrying about things you have no control over…

~Lead by example, without fanfare, hubris, or expectation of reward.

~Someday you will only be a memory in those you leave behind, make sure it is a good one.

©Janos Neder 2018

You are the change


You are love, you are life, you are a microcosm of the awesome self organizing creative force of the Universe that some call “God”. Everything eventually re balances itself. We are in the midst of this re balancing process whereby the old system fails and falls in on itself before the new can arise out of the ashes of the old. Focus on love: Self love first and then project this love energy at everyone and everything…You are the change you seek in the world, be it by changing yourself first.

Time and Tide


Time is the most precious commodity we have in this world. As you get older this fact becomes more evident. When I crossed the border into my sixth decade I discovered that some things just didn’t seem to ‘matter’ to me anymore. For instance I have very little interest in getting emotionally enmeshed in the self obsessed circus that passes for human behaviour in today’s world.

The world as we have made it is a bizarre sideshow, a mix of the sacred and the profane. It always has been so from day one to the present.  We are a funny little species, so limitless in potential and at the same time so limited by our inability to see the obvious stupidity of own destructive behaviours. Power, position and the acquisition of money and stuff are all just willow the wisps of an egocentric human need to feel indispensable, that somehow we can avoid our inevitable death because we are special.

Life and death are two sides of the same door. Everything passes, everything dies, nothing is permanent….so just relax into the journey. The high and mighty and the low and powerless all exit by the same door in the end. Release the need to be ‘something’ and just be yourself. Enjoy all the days of your life by being fully present in the experience of each moment. Learn to radiate love and gratitude into yourself and from there let it spill over and ripple outwards into the world.

All you take with you through the final portal is the lessons written in your heart and spirit. The only thing of any consequence that you leave behind is the echo of your behavior in the lives of those you touched. Did you help or hinder…, did you act out of love or react out of fear?  Glory fades, empires crumble….all that really matters in the end is the love, compassion and service  we extended to others.

To my mind this is how can we make the world a better place…. In the final analysis the only thing we truly have the power to change is ourselves. This act of self revolution is cumulative. Therefore in order to affect lasting change the world we must change ourselves first.

©Janos Neder



True Friendship

True Friendship is not diminished by time or distance. It is a flame in the heart that is cultivated by the bonds of shared experience and emotion. Money spends, glory fades,  but having interesting friends to share a life well lived creates a deep happiness that endures.

©Janos Neder

On Art and Artists

Photo by KoolShooters on

How many creative writers, musicians and other artists belong to ” introverted eccentrics club ” To be an artist ( I think) is to drink in the outside world and mix it with your interior experience. Then process and colourise it through your sensibilities and imagination before releasing it back into the world through the medium of your art…
George Carlin once remarked ‘write everything down’.

I think this advice applies to all mediums. Act when an idea hits you..I bet you will be surprised how much you can accumulate in a year. The Muse has her own agenda and cannot be conjured at will..I have been writing stuff down for years and these collected writings and musings formed the basis of my first book..

Original thinkers are rare and if you are artistically creative on top of that then you have two gifts that you have a duty use to the fullest.. To me being “artist” is about finding your muse and running with it! Be an Original….

© Janos Neder 2018

The Four Pillars of a Love Relationship

Here is my perspective on what elements I consider essential in a love relationship and why. My four pillars of a solid relationship are: Acceptance, Like, Laughter, and Passion.

Real long term best friends do not hide stuff from each other. The nature of a close friendship that stands the test of time is shared confidences and an acceptance, even a co-celebration of each others foibles, weakness and peccadilloes. In love relationships, most times these polarities are reversed and it becomes “how much can I hide about myself because it they knew the real me they would not like me”. Well, it all comes out over time anyway, so in my view, better to run your true colours up the flagpole right off the bat and then see who stays to see the parade. They are the ‘keepers’.

Generally we seek to hang out with with people we like, not people we have to endure. You can love them too of course but just being “in love” is not enough. Sometimes it makes you force yourself to endure people and situations that most likely (if you were honest with yourself) you would rather not. A lot of great stuff happens in the name of love and so does a lot of crappy stuff. By contrast “like” is never forced or heavy….never, “eat it anyway, it’s good for you”. Like and Love in one package is an unbeatable combination, but if it turns out I can only have one or the other  pass me the ‘Like’.

Laughter is the sugar of life…it can make even the bitterest situation better and a sweet situation even sweeter. It is an essential. I want to hang out with people that I can share a laugh with. If you find someone who ‘gets’ you on this level nail their feet to the floor and never let them slip away. They are a very rare find indeed.

In my experience indifference and ennui are prime relationship killers, as are mistrust and jealousy. My antidote: Passion. A shared passion in interests. A shared passion for life. A shared passion for each other where every time you touch or kiss it sets your hair on fire.Where your partner becomes more delicious and desirable every time you look at them or touch them.Then spice this mix up with the occasional passionate fight followed by a passionate reconciliation. Mix in acceptance, like and laughter and viola…there it is, bliss.


© Janos Neder 2015

What is “The Tao” ?


 What is the “Tao” ?

The “Tao”  signifies the ineffable primordial essence or fundamental nature of the universe. The Tao is ultimately unknowable, but it can be experienced as it enfolds (Yin) and unfolds (Yang) through nature and the cosmos. The Tao is the manifestation of the dualistic nature of creation in its many guises.

For Example: Birth and death, losing our way and finding it again, breathing in and breathing out, tension and release, transgression and forgiveness, despair and elation. In the harmonious blending of  these dual polarities there is no contention, there is only the Tao.


The Tao is represented by the familiar Yin / Yang symbol or by the Japanese ideogram for road or path. The “Tao” can also translate as “The Way”.

© Janos Neder 2015

The Spiritual Journey

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For your consideration, here are some of my thoughts on the Spiritual Journey.

Birth, death and redemption, universal themes as old as time itself. During my life these have been my prime topics of contemplation.

If you have chosen to walk this path then be assured things will happen at certain key junctures in life that will knock out the pegs from under you. Then suddenly your spiritual practice stops being abstract and circumstance nails it home at the core of your psyche what it all really means. Your fears will surface and hammer you to the floor. You struggle, you strain then maybe you finally realise letting go to the experience is the answer, but is it easy? Well, it is the easiest and the hardest thing all in one mixed bag.
All the phantasms and scenarios that the shadow self can conjure to control you come crawling out of your dark corners to put a stop to letting go of control and fear. This is when you get to see if you actually believe (and put into practice) all the nice sayings you espouse.

The road to find the true Self is a hard road. All the battles you will fight, you will fight alone. It is not a path for the weak willed. The Spiritual traveler’s soul is a sword forged in the fires of their own fears and hammered into shape by circumstance. Spiritual crisis is something that I think every traveler on this path has to go though. And it either breaks you or makes you. I believe it is how your Higher Self ascertains whether you are ready to be taken to another level of  perception and awareness..

But no matter what happens in your life, it is just another lesson. For as Spiritual Pilgrims, we are still very much a work in progress, a mixed bag of contradictions and emotions traveling towards our own liberation.

© Janos Neder 2016

Get excited about You!

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Yes, everything has been done before, BUT, it has never been done before the way YOU could do it. So then, get creative and do whatever strikes your fancy; paint, draw, write, play music and just have fun.

Take risks, have adventures, and do things you can look back on at the end of your life with pride. Join a group of kindred spirits and have some laughs together on a regular basis. Enjoy ALL the days of your life.

Celebrate your weirdness, it makes you unique! Re-vision yourself and get excited about YOU. Enthusiasm is infectious, get the bug and spread it around!

Vibration and Rhythm

Everything is based on vibration and rhythm.

In our physical world the illusion of solidity is created by unimaginably vast intersecting fields of vibrating energy, stepped down in frequency to a dense slow vibration.

Even our consciousness itself is a field of ‘self aware’ vibration existing at various levels at multiple frequencies. An integral part of the Ocean of Universal Consciousness and yet somehow apart from it as well. This Consciousness field of vibrating interlocking energy patterns ‘steps down’ in frequency levels until it is able to integrate into the ‘solid’ matter that comprises the Human Body. It does this through the rhythmic gateway of the Etheric Field.

The Etheric Field is the vibrational frequency that is one step above the energy matrix of the physical self. It surrounds the body like a nimbus. The Etheric field allows consciousness to interface with the denser energies that comprise the physical body. It does this through the medium of the cerebral-spinal fluid and central nervous system . The physical body itself can be likened to a complex ‘spacesuit‘ that is itself comprised of interacting energy fields of energy of varying vibrations and densities. It is through this vibrational symbiosis with the flesh that our pure consciousness (Mind) can experience the seemingly ‘solid’ reality of everyday life.

Our familiar five senses are all based on rhythm and vibration. In fact the various sense organs of the body can be looked at as a series of rhythm transformers. Various forms of vibrational/rhythmic impulses such as; light, sound, chemicals, heat, cold and pressure stimulate the nervous system in specific ways which in turn sends these impulses to appropriate centers in the brain.Here the various brain centers translate these impulses into the familiar senses of touch, eyesight, hearing, taste and smell.

We can use rhythm in a variety of ways to excite or relax our nervous system, to balance ourselves and access deeper layers of our consciousness.
All our bodily processes as well as our sense of consciousness and connection to the Universe is based on the harmonization of these interrelating patterns of organized rhythm and frequencies of vibration.

Pure energy vibrates to form atoms, these dance together to form molecules, molecules conga line together to form matter. The entire Universe is accessible through the spaces and intervals of vibrating energy and rhythm. Without vibration and rhythm there is only the stillness of non-being, the neutral zone of undifferentiated potential sometimes called ‘The Void’.

© Janos Neder 2015

Holographic Touch.


The Art of Holographic touch is a subtle palpatory skill based on the language of structure and bio-energy, and interpreting that language though the medium of touch.

As hands on practitioners we learn to listen to the nuances of bio-energy in its many manifestations. Focused intention, the etheric field, the chakras and even the gross anatomy of the body are all but different vibrational frequencies of this fundamental energy.

How it works:

All sensory stimuli has to go to the brain to be interpreted in any meaningful way. This sensory input goes along specific nerve channels to various areas of the brain where it becomes hearing, vision, taste, touch etc. These responses are to a large extent part of the software package the brain comes equipped with.
But the brain is a marvelously adaptive organ, and this software is open to modification if you know how to go about it. Research into the effects on the brain from psychedelics has shown that the senses can ‘template’ from one area to another under the right conditions. This phenomenon is known as ‘Synesthesia’. For Example: Seeing sounds, tasting colours, etc.

This phenomenon can also be induced by various natural approaches such as the one you are about to learn:
Holographic touch is developing a melding of touch sensation with the visual processing areas of the brain. This ability to ‘template’ one sensory area over another  is one of the great untapped abilities of the brain.

Holographic Touch as part of a Healing modality.
The key elements revolve around being able to ‘listen’ to the client’s body and its story, expressed in the language of its anatomy and bio energetic patterns. Then using this knowledge to  select an appropriate technique to create a positive therapeutic effect.
As a professional therapist I utilize  Holographic Touch to greatly enhance my other therapeutic skills.

Holographic Touch
Is a skill that can be developed to a very fine degree. It takes these four key elements to get really good at it.

1)Suspension of Judgement
In the initial stages don’t try to analyze things just go with it. We are going deeper into the domain of Right Brain experiential feeling and out of the domain of Left Brain logical reasoning, so just go with it.

2)Let the images and feelings come to you
If you don’t try to force it or chase after them, they will come to you. The trick here is to get into the proper zone by totally relaxing your Mind and learning to just‘ listen’ to the impressions as they come into your awareness.

3)Don’t try to second guess your first impressions
In all fine touch/energy based modalities, students have to develop a very finely tuned awareness of sensation just because what you are feeling for is so nebulous….at first. The Teacher points out what to look for and then helps the student validate what they perceive, just because it is no elusive to the untrained touch.

4) And of course, lots of practice!
Once you know what to feel for, from that point on it all comes down to consistent practice. This starts to rewire your touch perception so what was once a vague feeling becomes a strong accurate signal.

  © J. Neder 2015


Guided Imagery


What is Guided Imagery ?

Guided Imagery is a powerful method that can help you take control over your state of Mind. In a nutshell, it is a way of retrieving and utilizing positive associations from the Inner Mind (a.k.a. the sub-conscious ) I deem it an essential skill to help cope with today’s fast paced stress filled world.

Here’s how it works.

How it works is a by using ‘redirection of attention’. Directing attention away from your critical reasoning mind (the Left Brain) with its worries, concerns and stresses, steering it gently inwardly into Deep Inner Mind (The Right Brain). The Deep Inner Mind is the repository of our long term memories and associations, core reactions, autonomic bodily functions, feelings, imagination and dreams. It is here that the full power of our imagination, focused attention and associative memory can be used in a powerful and structured way to create a place of deep relaxation, healing and peace

Associative Memory

Our memories are stored as ‘associations’ with our senses, we will call this ability of the brain to recall by association ‘associative memory’. Associative memory is something we have all experienced. A particular smell, song or glimpse of of some long forgotten object evokes a specific scene out of our memory, often in startling detail. Our minds have this very profound holographic ability to recall by association. Nothing is ever lost.

Guided Imagery uses the Mind’s inherent associative ability to create a shift internally.

We create new beneficial associations by accessing the Deep Inner Mind and harnessing the power of your imagination and visualization in a powerful and structured way. In a Guided Imagery session the client is in a state of deep relaxed yet focused awareness. Here we can create positive scenarios,you experience it, identify with it and then set ‘anchors’ (specific cues) to help your Mind retrieve these new associative memory feelings at will.

Learning the skills of Guided Imagery can be done one on one, in a group or even on-line.

© Janos Neder 2015

Wu Wei-Be like water.


Skills of non resistance and redirection can apply to both physical and non physical situations.

Dealing with People is always challenging. Awareness is your most powerful tool when dealing with difficult People who seem to be able to push your buttons.
Try to create a mindset inside yourself where you do not feel the need to argue, debate or be ‘right’. This can also be said for those that have a need to be ‘the saviour’, ‘the fixer’ or ‘the emotional punching bag’. What are the deep fears/insecurities that drive these needs? A sense of balance and personal worth is achieved becoming aware of  your own fears and insecurities and finding effective ways of resolution and release of your triggers. This is not easy but it is a skill that can be learned and with practice, creates a strong sense of your own Personal Power.

For instance: In a personal confrontation strive to extend your awareness to read what the other person wants and WHY they need to have it so. If the person you are dealing is verbally aggressive, argumentative or insulting they are probably coming from a position of fear or unbalance of some kind. If you cannot come to a workable resolution of your points of conflict then try to find a way of detaching yourself emotionally from the situation or person(s) until you can leave physically. This does not mean running away in fear, but walking away with a sense of Self Respect and fear-less-ness from a no win situation. If it comes down to unavoidable direct attack then the force can deflected and or re-directed.
The way of non aggression and redirection is not passive: It is learning to read a situation and then flow around or under it like water going around rocks in a river. This is a Taoist approach called ‘Wu Wei” the watercourse way.

© Janos Neder 2015

The Art of Focused Intention

In a world that is becoming increasingly more unfocused and distracted by sensory overload it is ever more essential that those on the path of Self Mastery become adepts in the Art of Focused Intention. Focused Intention is attention and intention that has been given an emotional charge and direction. It is the laser beam of the Mind.

Having an attitude of focused intention is becoming hyper aware of everything you do, think, and feel. It is replacing physical, mental, and spiritual laziness with a dedication to excellence. It is meaning what you say, and saying what you mean and accepting the consequences of your words and actions. 

The journey of Self Mastery can (and does) take many forms but mindset and attitude are the key elements irregardless of whatever path you take. To become powerful in your own life-journey you must develop and maintain an attitude of Focused Intention in everything you do.

To imbue one’s mind, body, and spirit with focused intention requires daily practice. Over time this act of practice will evolve into “just the way you conduct your life”. 

© Janos Neder 2018



Qigong (a.k.a. Chi Kung) means Qi (Life Energy) Gong (intensive training).

The concept of Qi is a very mysterious one to most Westerners. It is a fundamental cornerstone in Traditional Chinese Medicine and many energy based Healing Arts. Qi is the animating power or Universal organising principal that flows through all things.  Qi can be channeled and refined by the practice of the Chinese art of Qigong .

Qigong is a form of energy building and self healing using mental concentration, visualisation, healing postures, self massage, movement, focused intention and precise methods of breathing.
In the Eastern influenced Healing Arts we believe maintaining a balanced flow of Qi in the body is essential in maintaining good health and vitality. In the practice of ‘Internal’ Martial Arts (such as Taiji, Kyudo and Aikido for example) the cultivation and refining of Qi is pursued to add power and focus to the application of Martial Arts techniques.

My Taiji Teacher, Master Paul Kwan maintains that any method which works to invigorate life and energy can be termed ‘Qigong’. According to Master Kwan; Esoteric Taoism follows the belief that the Human life cycle is based on the initial growing and eventual fading of Qi in the body. As we age, the energy routes which supply and support the circulation of Qi to the vital organs progressively become fatigued, resulting in deterioration, weakness, and poor health.

Over time this Qi energy settles into hot and cold parts of the body. By adulthood the hot (Yang) energy has risen to the upper body containing all the vital organs such as: The heart, liver, lungs, and brain. The cold (Yin) energy tends to settle in the: Legs, genitals, kidneys, and lower abdomen.In order to rebuild and refortify these energy channels, the ancient Taoists created the practice of Qigong; with the idea of extending longevity via regeneration and proper dispersion of the vital Qi energy. Qigong then is a process of rebirth; a return to one’s original, primordial self.

In the practice of Qigong we seek to refine and rejuvenate our bodily supply of Qi. With proper breathing, posture and mindfulness; we ‘pull in’ Qi energy from the Universe, release excess tension through controlled breathing and open key energy meridians in the body. Energy circulation with Qigong seeks to re-create a balance of Qi in the body by a harmonious blending of the body’s Yin and Yang energies.

© Janos Neder

The Path of Self Mastery


To walk the path of Self Mastery is to embark on a lifelong odyssey to discover and reclaim yourself and your original birthright to be a free, fluid and unbound Spirit.
When we travel the path of Self Mastery we measure success by how much we have released fear and self imposed limitations and by how much compassion and comfort we can extend to others.

Life is full of ironies, for instance; we are all multifaceted Spiritual beings,who for the most part, do not fully understand how to navigate the labyrinth of our own inner landscapes. The Art of Self Mastery is ultimately (like all creative arts) a journey of self discovery. It is a journey full of wonder, joy and its also fraught with harrowing experiences for it requires us to the plumb depths of our fears as well as scale the heights of our consciousness and find the unity between these two seemingly contradictory extremes.

To be an adept in the Art of Self Mastery you will have to become a ‘Warrior’ in the truest sense of the word, developing an attitude of fear-less-ness, mental resilience, and fortitude to surmount the obstacles in your journey and stay the course.
For each exhilarating new discovery you make and each new skill you develop, you will have to travel the long plateaus of continuing practice and consolidation before the next ‘jump’ in awareness and ability. Along the way solving the riddles of each new layer and overcoming the pitfalls one by one which will be thrown at you by Frustration, Ego and Fear.

© Janos Neder 2016

What is: Taiji

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Tai-Ji ( supreme-ultimate):

The Chinese principle of the harmonious interplay between paired opposites. Each balances and holds the opposite polarity in balance. This is symbolized by the familiar Yin-Yan icon. There is the expansion phase (Yang) and a contraction (Yin) phase, each is necessary to perceive the other.

For Example: After a long phase of expanding our efforts into the outer world, an extended  period in the contraction phase is needed. We do this by going inward, to rest and replenish, but also to clear the inner Mind, consort with the Muses and Guides and consolidate the lessons learned before the next expansion phase.

Many stress related conditions can be traced to the modern obsession with being constantly and unrelentingly “busy”. This is living a life out of balance and the path to eventual burnout. To prevent this unhappy end, relaxation and rest must be in proportion to effort in order to keep us mentally and physically balanced.Speed may look good in the beginning but low and steady wins the race in the long run.

Or as my Judo teacher Sensei Hatashita put it “(be) a steady rain that soaks”.

   © Janos Neder 2015

The Art of ‘Loafing’.

Relax and slow down!


There is a difference between loafing and doing nothing. Loafing is pulling away from the frantic sturm and drang that characterises the modern obsession with achievement and success. Loafing is taking the time for yourself to dream your dreams, smell the roses and cavort with the muses. Enjoy fully all the days of your life. Life is just a ride, and a short one at that so learn to appreciate it for what it is and the people in it that make it interesting.

© Janos Neder  2016

Photo taken in on a sunny afternoon in Cádiz, Spain

Personal Transformation

Our version of reality is based on the millions of electrochemical signals that pour into our brain via the nervous system every second. These are sifted, sorted and interpreted through the brain’s inherent ‘software’ as sight, sound, taste, touch, pain, pleasure etc…Much of this information arrives at the target area as raw data and is assembled into a final cohesive whole via the process of extrapolation. In other words the brain itself ‘fills in the blanks’. How does it do this?

Your brain is partly a ‘decoder’. It decodes and assembles the information you call reality based on your beliefs, prior experiences and core assumptions. If you can change or modify these core assumptions and beliefs it changes what you perceive and how you react to it. Ergo it changes or maintains the direction of your life in either a self affirming or self-defeating way depending on where you put your focus. In other words ‘you get what you expect to get’. It can be a long journey unraveling beliefs and core assumptions. These themselves the result of  familial, environmental and cultural programming.

So this begs the question ‘who is the authentic you’? What was original core essence of your deepest self before this programming took hold? The quest to find the answer to this riddle is what Joe Campbell called ‘The Hero’s journey”. It is a deeply personal journey that transforms the traveler in unexpected ways.

Personal transformation is about reinventing yourself in your own unique image rather than maintaining one that has been imposed upon you. It is about waking up and pulling the bag off your head and seeing the world through the eyes of your ‘authentic self’.

© Janos Neder 2015